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Fall Seas0n

Coming August 2002......Visit the Message Post.

06/15: BoxingMania IV Message-Post Up: Talk yo' shit.....here.

Come the fall, what kind of matches would you like to see included in the card?

'Tag-Team' match
'Last Man Standing' match
'First blood' match
'Alternating Drinking/fighting' match
'Divisional title' match
All of the above
None of the above

Current Results

Running For Florida Goveneur...

06/02:BoxingMania Four Named: In the spirted tradition of BoxingMania quality title's (the things in cursive on the shirts at the stores), Man0fSeas0ns.Tripod.Com Title-Enhancement Chairman David Hohman has announced BM4's name. After months of deliberation and seclusion, the Title-Enhancement committee has announced the fourth-quel to 'Smash-up in the Smarthouse', 'Second Blood' and 'Devastation Guaranteed.'
Man0fSeas0ns.Tripod.Com is pleased to announce: Boxingmania IV: Janet's Dance Party.
In a breakthrough session with Bryon 'Retire McRetire-Retire' Horton the commitee wanted a description of the battles they expect to see. Jokingly, equal-rights member Arsenio Hall mentioned 'kicking ass....Reno style!' Because Arsenio Hall isn't funny, the congregation approved the suggestion and wil be in charge of updates on Reno's Campaign bid as well as Reno Tasteless Jokes.

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